make time for yourself at
The Healing Center
What Do We Offer
Healing Center Services
Qi Gong
Chad and Sheila Jasmine are certified Qigong instructors. Chad offers a free sunrise Qigong class every M, W, F. Sheila offers a Sun. A.M. circular movement/qigong class. Classes take place on the beach just a short walk from the Center. One-on-one instruction available.
Qi Gong
Food Healing Protocol Consultation
Get in touch with Sheila for a protocol designed just for your personal healing.
Food Healing Protocol Consultation
Meditation is an incredible tool that we can use every day to achieve happiness, enlightenment and a higher consciousness. Meditation is not only a great way to heal oneself but a great way to know oneself.
Mindfulness & Meditation
Breathing Techniques
Learning how to breathe properly and saturate our cells with oxygen Is the most important thing we can do to improve our health and the results are immediate.
Breathing Techniques
Music & Sound Healing Therapy
We offer healing therapy using Tibetan Sound Bowls. Ask us about it!
Music & Sound Healing Therapy
Book a Massage Today!
Healing the Mind & Body
Qi Gong
Qi Gong – As a personalized service one-on-one or join us M, W, F at our Sunrise Qi Gong Sessions.
Qigong is an ancient Chinese self-healing art. Qi means Life energy while Gong means cultivation. Now, there are two types of Qigong:
Internal Qigong = meditation
External Qigong = exercise
Basically one cultivates the life energy by energetically aligning one’s movement with one’s breath.
Through dedicated discipline practice the life energy reveals itself and the health benefits are amazing. Unlike the traditional western exercise of running, lifting weights and punishing ourselves in order to get stronger, Qigong focuses on being kind to one’s self.
Through slow graceful movements and artful breathing we achieve not only strength and power, but also enlightenment, peace and overall tranquility. Qigong is both gentle and challenging, enlightening and empowering, and is fun!
Both Chad and Sheila Jasmine are certified Qigong instructors. Chad offers a free sunrise Qigong class every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. While Sheila offers a Sunday morning circular movement/qigong class.
These classes take place on the beach at 25th Ave., South in Jacksonville beach just a short walk from Jasmine Advanced Bodywork. Individual Qigong instruction, as well as breathing classes are available by appointment.
Food Healing Protocol Consultation
Please contact Sheila for a consultation.
Mindfulness & Meditation
Meditation Relaxes the body and quiets the chatter in the brain.
It is one of the most natural ways to achieve good health, a peaceful good nature and overall well-being. We’d like you to know that we offer many forms of meditation from classes to individual sessions.
We know everyone is different and finding a form of meditation that works best for you is the first step. Even though some people may find meditation intimidating, meditation is fun. Meditation is easy. Meditation does not take long.
Meditation is an incredible tool that we can use every day to achieve happiness, enlightenment and a higher consciousness. Meditation is not only a great way to heal oneself but a great way to know oneself.
Breathing Techniques
Humans can go months without food and days without water but only minutes without breathing. So it’s only logical that proper oxygenation is the foundation for good health. It seems simple but most humans never make this connection.
Learning how to breathe properly and saturate our cells with oxygen Is the most important thing we can do to improve our health and the results are immediate. Like so many things about the human body, the science of breathing remains very mysterious But the benefits of proper breathing are undeniable.
Breath work is the gateway to enlightenment, higher consciousness and overall well-being both physically and mentally.
Music & Sound Healing Therapy
You can find our music here:
Music for Continuous Love: https://music.apple.com/us/album/music-for-continuous-love/1489700268
Flow Ensemble: https://music.apple.com/us/album/flow-ensemble/1493054064
June’s Notebook: https://open.spotify.com/track/7kC94CFEidhzxHlU4f4FKD
We offer healing therapy using Tibetan Sound Bowls. Ask us about it!